Marin VEG March Newsletter
Marin VEG March Newsletter
Patti Breitman <>
2024-02-29, 9:14 AM
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Marin VEG
March 2024

Good news from Denmark, bad news from Canada, and an update on the cows and elk at Pt.Reyes are among the reports included here.  Wishing you many moments of delight on the rainy days, the sunny days, and on every day in March.

Thursday, March 28
A Special Evening with Miyoko
in San Jose
An elegant evening of vegan food and wine will benefit the invaluable, expanding education program for youth at Rancho Compasion. One of the items on offer in the live auction is a dinner for six prepared and served by Miyoko in Marin. Enjoy a vegan comedian, hilarious speed painting and more. VIP (5 PM) $250; General Admission (6 PM) $125 Get the details and purchase tickets (or just make a donation) at

Oceans, Fishing, Fishes, Veganism
A half hour talk by Lisa Kemmerer

The first thirty minutes of this YouTube broadcast by Marquita Solis - Eating Earth; Your Diet's Impact on the Planet - is a presentation by Professor Lisa Kemmerer that is well worth watching.  It is a wonderful way to learn and teach others about the effects of fishing on the oceans and their inhabitants. Lisa Kemmerer is the author or editor of ten books about animals and ethics. Thanks to Judith G. for sharing it.  I learned a lot.

How Big Is Factory Farming?
Here is an article from Vox that shocked me.  Despite all the good news about veganism that we read, the numbers show that factory farming is bigger than ever.  And its effect on the air, water, and human and nonhuman animals is more staggering than I had known. Thanks to Eric Mills of Action for Animals for forwarding it to me.

Denmark Makes Vegan History
Danish courts have ruled that veganism is a protected belief under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

Veganism Deemed Not a Creed in the Ontario Human Rights Code
Canada did not follow Denmark's lead. The reasoning is questionable to me because I believe that veganism does address questions of life, death and purpose.  In case you cannot open the page, here is an excerpt:

In Knauff v. Ontario (Natural Resources and Forestry) 2023 HRTO 1729, Adjudicator Karen Dawson found that ethical veganism was not a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code as it was not a Creed.

She adopted the OHRC definition of Creed as having the following definition

  1. Is sincerely, freely and deeply held
  2. Is integrally linked to a person’s identity, self-definition and fulfilment
  3. Addresses ultimate questions of human existence, including ideas about life, purpose, death, and the existence or non-existence of a Creator and/or a higher or different order of existence
  4. Is a particular and comprehensive, overarching system of belief that governs one’s conduct and practices
  5. Has some nexus or connection to an organization or community that professes a shared system of belief.

Having listened to expert witnesses, she found that although ethical veganism fulfilled criteria 1 and 2 it did not pass the third criteria.

A Well Fed World
Congratulations to A Well Fed World! This effective not for profit that works to provide hunger relief and food security around the world was accepted into the United Nations Beans Is How initiative. If you are not familiar with A Well Fed World, please get to know them. Scroll down to Programs and Partnerships to understand the breadth and depth of their excellent work.

Update on the Elk and Cows at Point Reyes
Thanks to the Tree Spirit Project for this update on the elk and cows at Point Reyes National Seashore. Read the whole report to see the power of activism.


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