Marin VEG November 2022
Subject: Marin VEG November 2022
From: Patti Breitman <>
Date: 11/1/2022, 12:18 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Marin VEG
November 2022

What a wonderful, wet beginning to the month!  Enjoy the rain!

I've heard this time of year described as the overeating season, starting with Halloween and continuing through Valentines Day.  I much prefer to think of it as a season of abundance,  gratitude, and generosity.  May we share our blessings widely and freely with those who are not as well fed as we are.  One organization I like that does this well is A Well Fed World ( hope you will check them out, including their Plants-4-Hunger program, an alternative to Heifer international.

Tuesday, November 1
World Vegan Day
The first of November kicks off World Vegan Month.  The Farmed Animals Rights Movement describes it as "a month of compassion and understanding of veganism."  Enjoy and share your vegan lifestyle this month.   Here is some history:

Saturday, November 12
Chopped! With a Vegan Twist
4 - 5 PM
At this virtual event, presented by The Food Empowerment Project, three talented vegan chefs will face four mystery ingredients to create a decadent vegan dish.  Discover some tips and techniques from the chefs, and learn about The Food Empowerment's work on food justice issues.  There is a pay what you can afford option, but the suggested donation is $25. Sign up to attend at

NYC Restaurant 11 Madison Park
Retains 3 Michelin Stars After Going Vegan

New York City's upscale ($335 per person) restaurant 11 Madison Park went vegan last year.  This year it was once again awarded 3 Michelin stars, making it the first vegan restaurant to earn that coveted rating.  Big spenders in the Big Apple can now dine in elegant excess with their big vegan hearts in full compliance.

Goatlandia Kitchen with Pop Up Meals
to Open in Sebastopol in January
The talented and tireless Deborah Blum, caterer, founder of Goatlandia and co-founder of the Wildseed restaurant, has announced that Goatlandia is launching a vegan kitchen in Sebastopol early in 2023.  It will serve as a catering kitchen and the site of pop up brunch, lunch and dinner events, as well as their Lunchtime Takeover food advocacy program  serving free, plant based, organic lunches to local businesses.  Learn more at

Beyond Meat Now Offering Steak
Having never liked steak, I am not their target market.  Nevertheless, Beyond Meat is now selling Beyond Steak plant based seared tips in more than 5000 stores in the United States.   I hope that people who do like steak will choose this alternative instead.

Vegan Food Sales Up But No Decline In Meat Sales
A recent study in the UK showed that despite an increase in sales of vegan foods, sales of meat did not decline correspondingly.  There were some minor exceptions, but it looks as if vegan options are not making a big dent in animal agriculture.

Meat Defender Shown to be Funded by Industry
I'm not sure if you will be able to read this without a subscription to the NY Times, but I thought it was interesting and important.  When scientists suggested that reducing meat consumption was a critical component of slowing climate catastrophe, one man who objected to the suggestion was Frank Mitloehner, a UC Davis academic.  It has now been shown that this man and his organization get their funding from the meat industry.  While technically no laws were violated, the conflict of interest here exposes the uphill battle scientists face when trying to rally the public to transition to a more plant based way of eating.


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