Subject: Marin VEG October News
From: Patti Breitman <>
Date: 2020-09-29, 5:23 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Marin VEG
October, 2020

It's been seven months since I've eaten in a restaurant, hugged a friend, shopped in a store.  Still, I recognize how fortunate I am, safe and housed, and send heartfelt blessings to everyone impacted by fires, virus, job loss, fear and despair.
This is a short newsletter with some good news, some alarming news, and full of appreciation for you for caring and for reading it.

Terrific TV Advertisement
This wonderful television ad from Israel tugged at my heart.  I hope that people who are not yet vegetarian or vegan find it equally moving.

France to Ban Animals for Entertainment
Slowly (too slowly) other countries are making laws to protect animals. We often miss the progress being made because there is so much more to achieve.  Ten years ago Ringling Brothers seemed like a permanent part of our culture.  Relentless activists, however, are making a difference.

Pt. Reyes Elk
Speaking of relentless activists, I send gratitude and applause to everyone who planned and attended the recent protests to support native elk, not commercial dairy farms, at Pt. Reyes National Seashore. Even if we put aside the cruelty of dairy production, which we can't, extending ranching leases over and over again contradicts the spirit of the national seashore and ignores the terms of the sales of the ranches to the government fifty years ago.  Favoring financial profit over environmental degradation is a major reason that climate change is slamming our planet today.  I know that moneyed interests usually prevail, but I'm betting on the tireless champions for elk, the environment, and animal rights to persevere and win.

Now Exploiting Camels
Will our species ever tire of finding new ways to exploit non-human animals? Milk from camels has found footing in Australia. I don't have words for my disgust.

Earth Is Losing Its Animals
This chilling report details the decline of biodiversity since 1970. Our planet is losing its inhabitants at an alarming rate.  There are countless reasons to be sad these days, but this may be the saddest news I've read in a long time.

Food Empowerment Project Doing Vital Work
The Food Empowerment Project is helping farm workers, creating cookbooks, and connecting the dots between food, justice and animal rights.  I hope you will read this update and support their excellent work.


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