Subject: Marin VEG July News
From: Patti Breitman <>
Date: 2020-06-30, 8:50 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

July 2020
Marin VEG

Please note the new email address for Marin VEG and me: (gmail isn't allowing me to send bcc mail to so many recipients, so this is still coming from earthlink.)

Is it just me, or are you also checking the calendar more often to remember what day it is? This is my 13th week of sheltering in place, and my daily walk brings even more joy than it always did. The lizards, butterflies, and birds are abundant and beautiful.   I hope you are well and enjoying this strange and momentous summer. Here is a short newsletter in which two of only four items focus on how White vegans can be allies to Black people in the work we all must do to bring about opportunity, equality, and safety for nonWhite people.

July 17 - 19
Animal Rights National Conference
From Friday, July 17 through Sunday, July 19, The Animal Rights National Conference will be happening on line. For the first time you can attend this annual conference without leaving home. Since it began in 1981, the ARNC has become the largest and longest running animal rights gathering.  There are tracks for people new to the issues and tracks for seasoned activists. Learn more and register at

Hope for the Animals
The wonderful podcast Hope for the Animals from Hope Bohanec, has added a segment with good news about animals called A Glimmer of Hope. Episode 5 includes A Glimmer of Hope and an interview with the incomparable Melanie Joy.  Dr. Joy is the author or Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, and a new book called Beyond Beliefs: A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters.  Listen to Episode 5 at

Intersectional Veganism
This important interview with the founder of Black VegFest, Omowale Adewale, is well worth reading.  Be sure to click on the link within it to the list of 7 Points of Allyship.

Rancho Compasion on White Dominance and Transformation
Rancho Compasion sent an important statement with essential links to resources to learn more about how we can transform our society to one that does not view non-White, non-straight, non cis-gendered  people as Other.  Here is an excerpt from that vital message, and I believe that it is urgent that as many people as possible read the entire essay and explore many of the links within it.  I'm currently reading a book called How to Be An Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi, and it teaching me so much about racism that my views are being challenged and my understanding is expanding on every page. Here are the excerpt and link to the excellent piece from Rancho Compasion:

Ending man's cruelty toward non-human animals cannot be realized until we end the cultural and systemic oppression of humans - particularly with the white dominant culture's treatment of Black people.  In this movement to eradicate oppression and violence, and support the liberation of Black, Indigenous, Trans, and "othered" peoples from the dominant white culture, we each have to be humble, self-reflective, and dedicated to evolving

As always, be sure to look at  and  to find out what's happening in the coming weeks. Also, check out Compassionate Living in Sonoma County. Their web site is   And The San Francisco Veg Society at www. also has events that might lure you over the bridge.  


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