March 2019
Marin Vegetarian Education Group
I saw my first buttercups and mission bells blooming this
week! Spring is almost here, and it will be welcomed gladly. May
you enjoy the longer days, new flowers, and every joy of the
season. There's a great deal of good news for vegans out there.
Here are some highlights.
Saturday, March 2
Conscious Eating Conference in Berkeley
From 9 to 5 on Saturday, March 2 The Conscious Eating
Conference will showcase experts from many backgrounds to
encourage conscious eating to help the earth and animals. JoAnn
Farb, a friend of mine from Summerfest, will be speaking on Social
Justice Progress Amidst Societal Group Coercion. Bruce Friedrich
of the Good Food Institute will be on a panel debating whether
cell-based meat is good for Animals. This annual conference is at
the David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way in Berkeley. Advance
tickets are $25; at the door $35, and free for students. Admission
includes a continental breakfast and a vegan lunch plus tea and
coffee all day. Learn more and get your tickets at
Friday, March 15
Deadline for discounted tickets
to Vegan Passover Seder in San Francisco
Marin VEG is among the co-sponsors of a community vegan Passover
Seder in San Francisco on the second night of Passover, Saturday,
April 20. Everyone is welcome at this catered, Kosher, vegan
Seder that starts at 6:30 and goes until 9:30. Last year's Seder
sold out, so do not delay if you want to attend. Before March 15,
tickets are $36. After that, $48. "Be a mensch" ticket sponsors
can pay more to help subsidize the cost of the event. Learn more
and purchase tickets at
Truthful Waiter
Thanks to reader Elizabeth E. for sharing this entertaining,
educational, short video from One Meal A Day For the Planet (OMD).
This waiter makes his point!
The founder of OMD wrote a book with a foreword by Dr.Dean
Ornish and an endorsement by Dr. Neal Barnard. I haven't read it,
but it sounds like a good one. Learn more at
Vegan Pizza in Ross Valley
If you're in Ross Valley, the wonderful Tony Tutto (Ross) isn't
the only game in town for great vegan pizza. Whereas I like the
pizza at Pizzalina in the (San Anselmo) Red Hill Shopping Center
(hold the cheese), and both Amici (San Rafael) and Ghiringhelli
(Fairfax) have good vegan pizza, reader Sylvia I. highly
recommends Creekside Pizza and Tap Room on San Anselmo Ave. in
downtown San Anselmo. Here is what she wrote:
I highly recommend Creekside Pizza and Taproom in San Anselmo. I had the best pizza since I became a vegan 10 years ago. I went to the restaurant with a friend who eats (cow's) cheese. We were able to order half of the pizza with regular cheese and half with Myoko's vegan cheese. Myoko cheese is the highest quality vegan cheese. There was no extra charge and the price was reasonable. The pizza was delicious, perfect crust and well prepared. The staff was attentive and personable. We also enjoyed the beer and kombucha on tap. The environment is super clean and attractive. It is a locally owned family business.
Tyson Wants In on the Vegan Market
After investing in Beyond Meat in 2016, Tyson, one of the largest animal food producers (abusers) in the world, is now creating its own vegan meat products. Here is one report from One Green Planet that addresses the ethical issue not being addressed by Tyson. And here, from Market Watch, is a more thorough report that takes a business point of view on why vegan protein sources are so popular now:
Vegan Tuna at Whole Foods
According to a report from One Green Planet, Good Catch Fish-Free Tuna is now available at Whole Foods. I like to prepare a tuna-like salad with mashed garbanzo beans, fresh dill, capers, celery and onions plus Dijon mustard and Just Mayo. But this new brand of vegan tuna intrigues me, and I'm looking forward to trying it. Learn more at
As Vegan As Possible
Melanie Joy, the professor who coined the term carnism and wrote the book Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows has made a very short video about vegan advocacy that I like a lot. Rather than insist that everyone go vegan immediately, she makes a strong argument for encouraging people to be as vegan as possible. I hope you will watch it.
Canada's Food Guide Ignores Industry Pressure
Unlike the United States, Canada is recommending healthy eating in accordance with science, not industry. I'm grateful to Ann W. for sharing this report from TreeHugger. And gratitude also to Factory Farming Awareness Coalition for alerting me to one of the consequences of this new report, a tofu shortage in parts of Canada. This excellent article includes good news about how many people are cutting back on animal protein in the U.S. and Canada, and links to tofu recipes.
California Bill Would Add Plant Based Meals and Milk to School Lunches
In February, an Assembly member from Southern California introduced a bill that would lower the state's carbon footprint by offering state funding for plant based school lunches. Read more about it at Again FFAC told me about this bill. I love this organization for so many reasons. Check them out and sign up for their free e-newsletter at
Presidential Candidate Cory Booker is a Vegan
Senator Cory Booker, now running for the Democratic nomination for President, is a vegan. This Politico article explains how his veganism is playing out in animal farming regions. The bottom line: so far, so good. This is bringing a lot of attention to veganism, and this is a good thing, especially as scientific reports continue to recommend eating fewer animal products. Of course, there is push-back, too. A different article from VegNews is about how a Fox News show ridiculed Booker for his veganism and what the Senator told VegNews magazine about running as a vegan.
New York Times on Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
As part of its Year of Living Better series, the New York Times published a piece on how to reduce your carbon footprint. In the section about food choices, the article puts to rest the argument over whether plant based foods or local and organic foods are better. It's great to see mainstream media recommending vegetarian and vegan choices as a powerful tool to reduce our impact on climate change. Read the piece here:
Good Food Institute Rates Restaurant Chains
To better determine where you can grab a bite when you're away from home, consult this report from the Good Food Institute. Their score card ranks the breadth and depth of plant based options in 100 U.S. restaurants (chains).
Tofurky Adding Cheesecakes and Hot Pockets
The Tofurky company is adding cheesecake and hot pockets to their line of vegan foods. Here's where I heard it first:
What else to look for in March
Be sure to visit and to find out what's happening in the coming weeks. Also, check out Compassionate Living in Sonoma County. Their web site is and The San Francisco Veg Society at www.
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