Subject: Marin VEG Newsletter
From: Patti Breitman <>
Date: 2018-03-01 10:51 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

March, 2018
Marin Vegetarian Education Group

Happy March! Spring comes this month, and the shooting stars, poppies, popcorn, fiddle heads, and other wildflowers are ready to bloom. Let's celebrate the long awaited rain, and look for additional reasons to smile every day.

Saturday, March 10
Conscious Eating Conference
David Brower Center, Berkeley
The seventh annual Conscious Eating Conference will be held on Saturday, March 10 at the David Brower Center - 2150 Allston Way - in Berkeley. Registration begins at 9 AM, and the program begins at 10, ending at 6.  Sponsored by United Poultry Concerns and the Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy, the conference asks and answers "What are the most compassionate choices?"  Pre-registration is $20, at the door registration is $30.  To see the schedule, speakers and to register, go to

Friday, March 23
Wine & Goats in Santa Rosa
From 2 to 6 PM on Friday, March 23 you can tour Goatlandia to meet the animals, then harvest organic veggies and herbs from the garden, enjoy a hands on cooking class, and sit down to a five course dinner with wine pairings. The cost is $125 per person. Goatlandia is just outside Santa Rosa.  Learn more and sign up at  If you can't make it on March 23, this event will be offered also on April 14, May 26, June 23 and July 7.  Learn more about Goatlandia and their group tours, yoga with the goats, and how to join their mailing list at

Sunday, March 25
Dairy Activism in Fairfax
Dalila Cunha and Marin Voices for Animals will be meeting at The Good Earth on Sunday, March 25 at noon for lunch, followed by peacefully offering informative postcards to shoppers outside about the downsides of dairy.  The postcard event will last just under an hour.  For more information, contact Dalila at

Thursday, March 29
Chef Bryant Terry
Demo and Dinner in Novato
Join Bryant Terry,  award-winning vegan chef and author of Vegan Soul Kitchen, Afro Vegan, Grub,  and The Inspired Vegan for a food demonstration and full dinner in Novato to benefit shelter and job training programs of Homeward Bound. This event will be from 6:30 to 9 PM at The Key Room at Hamilton Field.  To see the menu and purchase tickets ($60) go to

Olympic Athletes Ditch Dairy
A number of Olympic athletes have gone vegan, and some of them made a television commercial that urges everyone to go dairy free. Cyclist and vegan activist Dotsie Bausch was the catalyst for the campaign. The ad ran in six U.S. markets during the closing games and afterwards, and you can watch it at  Thanks to A Well Fed World (one of my favorite not for profits - for sharing this exciting ad.

Dairy Industry's Answer to Veganuary Doesn't Work As Planned
In response to the success of Veganuary, a campaign that encourages us to go vegan for the month of January, the dairy industry launched a campaign called Februdairy this year. It fell flat. Here's a report from Plant Based News about why it failed.  Hooray for vegan activists who won't stay quiet about the harm inherent in the dairy industry. 

Farm Sanctuary's Orland, CA Branch to Close
After 25 years, the Orland  Farm Sanctuary will be closing by the end of this year. Home to more than 2600 rescued animals over the decades, the Northern California Farm Sanctuary will be transferring its resident animals to the Acton sanctuary in Southern California and the Watkins Glen sanctuary in upstate New York. Read more about the move at 

Two New Films About Vegan Athletes

Two new documentaries focus on athletes who are choosing to go vegan to improve their health and performance in sports.  One is called From the Ground Up and the other is Game Changers.  I have not seen either film, and don't know where/when/if they will come to Marin theaters. But here is what I do know.

From the Ground Up is available on demand, and there is a review, trailer, and links to it via itunes, Amazon, Google Play here:

Game Changers focuses on athletes as well as soldiers, scientists and others who discover the power of a plant based diet. Dr. Michael Greger, who is featured in the film, gives it two thumbs up here:
Available in select theaters, there is more information about it at

Plant Pure Nation Now on YouTube
Speaking of films, Plant Pure Nation, a 2015 documentary inspired by the work of T.Colin Campbell, is now available on YouTube. There is a $4 charge, but you can watch a trailer at

Where Do You Get Your Protein?
If anyone knows that you're a vegan, you have most likely been asked where your protein comes from. Dr. John McDougall recently shared his article about protein.   In total, it's an excellent article, but I take exception to the categorical claim that MS and other diseases "can be easily resolved by a diet based solely on plant foods." This is often, but not always the case, and making categorical health claims can set up veganism to fail   This is one of the themes of my most recent book, Even Vegans Die (  You can read the McDougall article here:

Vegan Travel
In 2010 I traveled to Thailand with VegVoyages and enjoyed a week of fabulous food, visits to an orphanage, a monastery, a gibbon refuge, people's homes, cooking classes, Thai massages, and the company of wonderful fellow travelers and excellent guides.  At that time, VegVoyages was the only  vegan tour company I knew of.  Now, there are many, including Colleen Patrick Goudreau's tantalizing trips.  Forbes magazine just published an article about the different companies offering vegan travel, and I was delighted to see that CPG and VegVoyages were highlighted among others in the field. I'm so glad to see that the market for vegan travel is burgeoning.

Hampton Creek in the News
Hampton Creek, the company that makes Just Mayo has changed its name to Just.  I love that name, as food justice is an often neglected topic when people talk about food choices.  Just was recently the subject of a piece in The Washington Post about working to stop malnutrition in Africa.  Read it at

Hospitals Offering Plant Based Foods for Patients
The future we envision, in which hospitals serve healing food and not harmful food, is one step closer thanks to a hospital in Florida where plant based foods are offered. While Kaiser Permanente has been offering healthy choices for years, this is a first in Florida.  And Kaiser 's excellent booklet about plant based diets is available to anyone on the web:

Farm Sanctuary's Orland, CA Branch to Close
After 25 years, the Orland  Farm Sanctuary will be closing by the end of this year. Home to more than 2600 rescued animals over the years, the Northern California Farm Sanctuary will be transferring its resident animals to the Acton sanctuary in Southern California and the Watkins Glen sanctuary in upstate New York. Read more about the move at

The Guardian Series on Animal Agriculture
We can sign  up for monthly installments of a new investigative series called Animals Farmed being published by the British newspaper The Guardian. The series will focus on the impact of global industrialization of meat and fish on people, animals and the planet.  Reporters will be publishing news from around the globe on food and farming systems.  I'm suspecting that it won't be pro-vegan or anti-vegan, but might offer a chance to learn what's working and what's not. And, perhaps, opportunities for comments. Sign up (free) at

The Road to Vegan Has Detours and Curves
Registered dietician and author Jack Norris of Vegan Outreach was curious about a report that showed that there are many people who tried to go vegan, but "failed."  In this new report, Dr. Alison Lenton describes the process of change and why there are often setbacks and reboots on the way to changing our food choices.  It turns out that the road to a vegan lifestyle is often a process, not an overnight decision. She encourages activists to acknowledge this process, and she explains how it works here:  Thanks to Jack for sharing this.

Pacelle, Shapiro Leave HSUS After Accusations of Misbehavior
Wayne Pacelle and Paul Shapiro have stepped down from their leadership roles at the Humane Society of the United States in the wake of allegations of sexual impropriety.
Here is the story from Politico:
And a follow-up report from The Washington Times:

And here is some critical thinking from Carol J. Adams, author of The Sexual Politics of Meat,  who helped Wayne Pacelle write his letter of resignation. Scroll down to read about why women need better apologies from men, other women's voices in the AR movement, and also the report from a conversation with Paul Shapiro, Carol Adams, pattrice jones and lauren Ornelas:

And a third perspective from  This essay is too long, in my opinion, but it touches on other problems with HSUS that have concerned me for many years.

Vegan Dogs
We have known for years that dogs thrive on vegan diets. Here is a recent blog post from wild earth pets that explains why.

Worth Singing About: Avocados
Thanks to Ann Wheat for sharing this link.  Billy Bramblett, formerly with Wildwood and now with Miyoko's, wrote and sings a song about avocados with a marvelous a cappella  quartet. This song stays in my head for days every time I hear it.  If you like avocados, I think you will like this:

Hold The Date
Wednesday, April 11
Patti Breitman speaking in San Francisco at Wellness Central
Details to come next month, but mark your calendar now. I'd love to see you at this all you can eat buffet dinner and talk at 6 PM in the Community Room at Opera Plaza on Van Ness.  Check out Wellness Central for more information about their weekly events in San Francisco.  They have their own meetup group, too:

Additional March Happenings
As always, visit  and  to find out what's happening in March. Also, check out Compassionate Living in Sonoma County. Their web site is   And The San Francisco Veg Society at www. is a terrific organization.


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