In fact, I have been invited to go visit them but just
haven't had the time. I plan to go later in the spring. I fear
that blanket articles like this can hurt businesses such as
ours. We get lots of inquiries from people asking about our
coconut oil because of the stories about coconuts being picked
by monkeys. Things can get out of control on the internet.
Slaughterhouse Meeting Update
The Planning Commission meeting will be on Monday, February 13
at 10:30 AM. The commissioners will probably not hear any more
public comment on the issue of slaughterhouses, as they indicated
that their minds were made up. Now our efforts will be focused on
the Board of Supervisors who will have the final say on the
issue. The BoS won't give an indication of timing until it
reaches their queue. The planning manager hopes to submit the
commission's recommendations by March, and from then it won't be
terribly long until it appears on their agenda, but we are not yet
sure how many meetings they expect to have on it.
So now we are going to be working to get broad public awareness of
the proposal to change the zoning to allow slaughterhouses and, we
hope, broad public opposition, too. I will keep you posted on what
we will be doing on that front and how you can help. In the
meantime, you can find out which supervisor represents you and
begin letting them know (politely) how you feel about bringing
slaughterhouses to Marin. It is best not to mention animal rights
or compassion, but to focus on safety, environment, quality of
life, and other objective reasons you are opposed. This is a
challenge for many of us, but it's important that the reasons be
those the supervisors can easily support without being accused of
giving in to an animal rights agenda. You can find your
supervisor at